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Aghori – Do It Simply

May 3, 2012

Flow Baby, Flow!

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Very small fragments of solid materials or liquid droplets suspended in air are called particulate.
This serves as one of the major particulates of our environment and can be disastrous to health.

Your being is pure by itself.
Your words are particulate that corrupt it.

Throughout your life, society has taught you to fight.
If someone says something to you, you have to fight.
Anything hurts your ego, you are taught to fight.

Aghori – Do It Simply technique

The truth is that you are hurting yourself more than you are hurting the other when you fight.
So, from now on, even if someone says something wrong, remain calm.
Feel your mind, its reaction to it, feel your body and relax; feel the outer and inner happenings.

Simply go with the flow.



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