Creation is all about high enthusiasm. Enthusiasm can never be brought by any reason. Understand, enthusiasm is just like internal quality, like your breathing, like how you are alive – like living. Enthusiasm is high quality. It is your very quality. It can never be altered, arranged, reorganized by any reason. It is just joy overflowing through your intelligence.
I can tell you, use anything to create enthusiasm in you.
Things which addict you can never give enthusiasm.
Things which give enthusiasm to you can never addict you.
This is the truth.
Don’t think you can create enthusiasm through alcohol, through drugs. No! It doesn’t happen. Maybe demonic excitement can happen by alcohol and drugs. Demonic excitement is not enthusiasm. In demonic excitement you are not creative you are violent. You just jump around like bhootas (demons). They do not know what they are doing. They destroy; they never create. But in enthusiasm you are not demonic or excited. You are only enthusiastic.
Enthusiasm is creation; creativity.I can tell you whenever you are filled with enthusiasm those few moments you are experiencing God intensely in your inner space.
Prasadam is not just food given, the real Prasadam is the high intense enthusiasm in anything you do. Filling your being is the right job of the master, more than fulfilling your desires. Fulfilling our desires are too small, a real master fulfills your being.”
High enthusiasm is real wealth!
Just radiate intense enthusiasm in any line you touch, maintain the high enthusiasm or at least 11 hrs a day, suddenly attitude towards life will take a quantum leap. High enthusiasm is wealth.
Extraordinary Enthusiasm forms the base for creating wealth, that extraordinary reasonless enthusiasm is awakened only by inner practices, without this if you create wealth, it will not have enthusiasm to maintain your life.”
Anything you do, radiate high enthusiasm, that will become sacred.
Prasadam – Literally means a gracious gift. Anything, usually an edible food, that is first offered to a deity, saint, or an avatar, and then distributed in His or Her name to their followers or others.The prasad is then considered to have the deity’s blessing residing within it.