Confidence | – World's Youngest & Greatest Incarnation, Paramahamsa Nithyananda's Site for New Generation Youth. Inspired, Empowered. Engagaed.

Posts Tagged ‘Confidence’


Dis-cover your Own Career, Own your Life

Quest – My parents disapprove of my career choice.  How can I do what I want but also keep a happy relationship with them?  Is it even possible?   Avatar Answers – If you want my honest answer, the parents need to unde...
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NewgeN Kriya

The NewgeN Kriya is the ultimate kriya to bring clarity and emotional stability to the new generation youth. NewgeN Kriya is created for the youth to come out of the most dangerous epidemic humanity is facing today – degenera...
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Depression, Stress has No Meaning – Ridhi

Before, Ridhi used to have conflicts with her family. Her relationship with her parents and brother wasn’t very good, and now, ours is a stable family. All of us have done Inner Awakening program and we are living Swamiji’s...
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Play your Game on the Edge

Play your game always on the edge, never on the safe ground. Always walk on the rope, not on the road. Walk on the tight rope! Always, your whole life will be alive. When I say walk on a tight rope, even if you fall, there will...
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Work-Out Routine for Your Mind and Body

The real scope of action means exhausting your confidence, the courage to take the decisions which exhaust your confidence. If you have the confidence to jump seven feet, exhaust that confidence by jumping nine feet. In every l...
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Science of Intense Action

I am defining the science of Intense Action. Constantly, intensely, continuously, taking new new challenges, and new new possibilities is what I define as Action. Action means opening new, new possibilities in you. Opening new,...
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