Performance | – World's Youngest & Greatest Incarnation, Paramahamsa Nithyananda's Site for New Generation Youth. Inspired, Empowered. Engagaed.

Posts Tagged ‘Performance’

BanaLingam_Narmada_Constantly Work

Constantly Keep Performing is Life

“You constantly keep performing, for, execution is far greater than being unproductive. If you remain idle, even the maintenance of the body cannot be accomplished!” I can say this is one of the most intimate instructio...
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The Destructive Desire for Porn

orn is everywhere today. Over 2.5 billion pornographic related emails per day are shared all over the day. 68 million a day search engine related requests for porno. Pornography is one of the worst problems the modern youth is ...
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Who Wants to be Famous?

One of the major driving force in human life is desire. If you look into your life, you can see most of the time we are driven by either desire or fear. We have so many desires and many times we feel we don’t have energy ...
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