Newgen | – World's Youngest & Greatest Incarnation, Paramahamsa Nithyananda's Site for New Generation Youth. Inspired, Empowered. Engagaed.

Posts Tagged ‘Newgen’


Dis-cover your Own Career, Own your Life

Quest – My parents disapprove of my career choice.  How can I do what I want but also keep a happy relationship with them?  Is it even possible?   Avatar Answers – If you want my honest answer, the parents need to unde...
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The Avatar’s Vision for the New Generation Youth

Today’s modern youth is facing an urgent crisis like never before in the world history. For the first time, we have the largest generation of young people on the planet. If you are one among the 1.8 billion young people, know...
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Want to Forget Your Ex, Y, or Z?

Okey, so you are reading this because you are hung upon your ex ? Are you going through a break up? Wish you could erase all memories from your mind, and free yourself? Or feel like getting another new beau to forget the old? P...
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