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Posts Tagged ‘Dreams’


Imagination v/s Dreaming

Question – What is the difference between Imagining and dreaming? Imagination and dreaming…. They are two different things. Imagination is different from dreaming. Imagination is like creating your own future. The word ...
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Rethink your Thinking, Fish Technique

Just Know Your Thoughts are Fishes Your whole mind, consciousness, your inner space is like an ocean. Each thought you experience is like a fish jumping in that ocean. Understand, your inner space, means the cosmic inner-space ...
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Awaken the Genius in You, Stop Day-Dreaming

here is a great fear, “If I stop day-dreaming, how will I do my next planning? What should my next plans be? How do I invest my time?…” You can see: if your workers or subordinates successfully convince you that witho...
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Chronic Fatigue, your Intense Craving for Rest

The chronic fatigue is deeply related to the intense craving for rest. Please understand, this intense craving for rest brings diseases which will put you in the bed. Actually if you see any advertisement for resorts, especiall...
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