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Posts Tagged ‘Guilt’

Guilt is the Greatest Sin

Guilt the Sure Killer of Intelligence

Guilt is the greatest sin. At least other sins will punish you after death. Guilt punishes you when you are alive. A guilty person can never be at ease with himself. He will always lack self-confidence. He will always look for ...
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Meditate to dissolve the cluster of your emotions

Be the Master of your Own Self

Most of us are on a roller-coater ride, held in the sway of emotions like worry, jealousy, discontentment, fear, anger, guilt, etc. over which we have no control. Meditation enables you to be centered in yourself, have the soli...
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The Destructive Desire for Porn

orn is everywhere today. Over 2.5 billion pornographic related emails per day are shared all over the day. 68 million a day search engine related requests for porno. Pornography is one of the worst problems the modern youth is ...
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