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Extraordinary Powers

Have the Courage for Extraordinary Powers?

Posted April 28, 2012 by admin

Karma means exhausting your body by work, and exhausting your mind and confidence by taking risks. Risky decisions, next, next, next, next, next. Body which has never moved or made to work, what is going to happen? It’ll just rust and dust, over! Body which has never been made to work, mind which has never […]

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Extraordinary Powers

Conquer Your Sleep like Arjuna

Posted May 3, 2012 by admin

I sometimes feel shocked on seeing how people get up from the bed and say, “Oh God, I am so tired.” What foolishness! I simply become confused looking at people sleeping until lunch time! What is the need? Insomnia is defined as the inability to initiate sleep or remain so throughout the night or to […]

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