Creativity | – World's Youngest & Greatest Incarnation, Paramahamsa Nithyananda's Site for New Generation Youth. Inspired, Empowered. Engagaed.

Posts Tagged ‘Creativity’


Why Rock Music, Disco is not Creativity

We believe that each person is good at something and not good at something else. So should we not train them or even try.  That is not the truth.  The basic law is everybody is good at everything. Everybody thinks creativity ...
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Addiction v/s Wealth

Creation is all about high enthusiasm. Enthusiasm can never be brought by any reason. Understand, enthusiasm is just like internal quality, like your breathing, like how you are alive – like living. Enthusiasm is high qua...
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Imagination v/s Dreaming

Question – What is the difference between Imagining and dreaming? Imagination and dreaming…. They are two different things. Imagination is different from dreaming. Imagination is like creating your own future. The word ...
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Stress-less Leadership

If you take decisions consciously, you will never have any stress. Stress is realized only when you take decisions unconsciously: engrams interfere with your decision-making capacity. Engrams are ‘engraved memories’ or ‘p...
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