Meditation | – World's Youngest & Greatest Incarnation, Paramahamsa Nithyananda's Site for New Generation Youth. Inspired, Empowered. Engagaed.

Posts Tagged ‘Meditation’


The Art of Remembering

Only you think that you are complete, That there is no need for meditation in you. But what you don’t know is that your being Is capable of much much more. Meditation will take you through a cluster of emotions. You will sudd...
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Meditate to dissolve the cluster of your emotions

Be the Master of your Own Self

Most of us are on a roller-coater ride, held in the sway of emotions like worry, jealousy, discontentment, fear, anger, guilt, etc. over which we have no control. Meditation enables you to be centered in yourself, have the soli...
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Chronic Fatigue, your Intense Craving for Rest

The chronic fatigue is deeply related to the intense craving for rest. Please understand, this intense craving for rest brings diseases which will put you in the bed. Actually if you see any advertisement for resorts, especiall...
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Oh NewgeN Wake Up, Become Awake

Awake! Become Aware! We are not living –  we are half dead! We never live totally, completely. We live in a half-hearted manner. We never do something or experience anything from the depth of our being. Our mind is always th...
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