The NewgeN Youth share their awesome stories..
orn is everywhere today. Over 2.5 billion pornographic related emails per day are shared all over the day. 68 million a day search engine related requests for porno. Pornography is one of the worst problems the modern youth is facing. Understand, no pranayama* (breath technique) can help you, no yoga or meditation can help you, […]
ll human beings go through four stages. First Stage – One enjoying your own body. When you are a child you put your own thumb in the mouth. Sometimes you even lift your leg and put the thumb in the mouth. Playing with your own body because taking direct jump to the opposite gender is […]
Question – Money is becoming a huge problem in our relationship. I think my boyfriend spends too much. Meanwhile, I’ve been accused of being ‘stingy’ and ‘unrealistic’. How can we resolve these conflicts and develop a “team strategy” in the area of finance? Avatar Answers – I am surprised seeing this question. It used to […]
n real life we always look to express our love towards others in some tangible way. Only if love is demonstrated in tangible form, it is considered to be love nowadays. One thing: true love is like a communion. It is a kind of resonance between two beings. It can be felt without any expression. […]
Quest – Swamiji, you said love activates matter. How can love activate matter and make it move? Avatar Answers – Love really infuses energy into whatever it is directed. Please understand, if you direct love towards anything, whether it is a person or matter or plant or animal, anything, it gets infused with energy. There […]
What is love? How can I experience true love? Is it love or lust? How do I go beyond lust? How do I get over possessiveness of my beloved? I will talk about different dimensions of love – how love has become this matter and how the love resides as energy inside this matter and […]