Freedom | – World's Youngest & Greatest Incarnation, Paramahamsa Nithyananda's Site for New Generation Youth. Inspired, Empowered. Engagaed.

Posts Tagged ‘Freedom’


I am Gay. Is it wrong?

ll human beings go through four stages. First Stage – One enjoying your own body. When you are a child you put your own thumb in the mouth. Sometimes you even lift your leg and put the thumb in the mouth. Playing with your ow...
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Drop Your Suppression

Animal behavior is as varied as human behavior. In some cases, animals are restrained to avoid injuring themselves, other animals, or the farmer. All forms of restraint are designed for the welfare of the animal as well as the ...
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Love and Liberate, Don’t Possess

n real life we always look to express our love towards others in some tangible way. Only if love is demonstrated in tangible form, it is considered to be love nowadays. One thing: true love is like a communion. It is a kind of ...
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