The NewgeN Youth share their awesome stories..
Human beings don’t know how to relax from life. If you continuously keep taking decisions and exhaust yourself with action, you will not have the hangover of Yayati. Who is Yayati? The Hangover of Yayati In the Mahabharata, the great Indian epic, there is a beautiful story about a king called Yayati. This king enjoyed […]
Guilt is the greatest sin. At least other sins will punish you after death. Guilt punishes you when you are alive. A guilty person can never be at ease with himself. He will always lack self-confidence. He will always look for a leader for guidance. This is where the society steps in and exploits him. […]
There is a beautiful Buddhist sutra: No suffering, no cause, no end. What exactly is suffering? Almost all of us have undergone suffering at some time of our lives. Now suppose I ask you, “Why did you choose to suffer? Was your suffering necessary?” You would certainly find that an absurd question! Does anyone choose […]
Many times you can see, a simple disturbance from outside or from the memory inside – either experience or from memory – can drain your energy. Or even making too many decision drains your energy. You can see in your own life; in the morning, it you go and sit in your office, you don’t […]
Just Know Your Thoughts are Fishes Your whole mind, consciousness, your inner space is like an ocean. Each thought you experience is like a fish jumping in that ocean. Understand, your inner space, means the cosmic inner-space is an ocean. Every thought you get, even the idea you having your body is one more thought. […]
he meaning of intensity is feeling that something needs to be done immediately, to break free from the clutches, or to break free, in the inner world. Intensity should become a quality. When people ask me about intensity I tell them: feel intensely that you are not having intensity, that’s all. You see, usually we […]
Most of us have no control over our mind. We have heard people talk about it, but we have only heard of it, we have never practiced it. We have never experienced it. Control over the mind is one of the things we hear about. We wouldn’t dream of practicing it. When we hear of […]